Google and The Internet -a History

Okay this was seriously too cool not to share!

Below is an interactive infographic, scroll down and see the history of Google. Be sure and click on the plus (+) signs that come up each year as it gives a snapshot of what happened that year, which browsers were popular what the most popular meme was, and which sites were launched. Also the number of webusers to the left of the page is interesting to watch as it grows…

What I think is instructive is to see when some of the ‘big name’ websites were launched. Long before everyone heard of them, so while they may seem to have ‘come from nowhere’ for most of us, you can see that an entrepreneur ad their team was working for a long time in obscurity to make that happen.

Anyway enjoy:

Created By Online PhD
Oh, and thanks to Huffington Post where I got this from.


About Chris Hanlon

Chris has worked in or owned small businesses most of his life, before lured into the corporate world where he spent over a decade. However his passion for small business has remained, and taken life in The Profit Wizard blog, his published book, and some coaching he does for a variety of businesses. You can follow Chris on Twitter @TheProfitWizard

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