Most business owners are very good at what they do. They take pride in their work, and they have their own business because it is something they are passionate about. These are good qualities, but they become a liability when these same business owners delude themselves to believing that Mastery is all they need to be successful.
I have been working on a webinar presentation that I will be giving over the next month for people in the Beauty Industry, specifically those in Spa & Salon’s (whether they are owners or ‘technicians’ doing the work). And I have seen that this idea of Mastery being the key to success, is deeply embedded in the psyche of this industry.
Of course the people most responsible for embedding this idea are those that charge for the training and qualifications that lead to this promised success. And it is perpetuated by those who have already paid for those qualifications…
As I was looking at this I remembered the recent story of Vivian Maier who was a nanny and loved photography. She took thousands of photos through the 50’s all the way to the 90’s. When she died she was unknown. The vast majority of her photos were undeveloped and were sold in an auction. Now her genius is apparent. Her photos have been shown in prestigious galleries around the world. – The video below is a trailer for the documentary movie about her discovery, and it explains this much better
The point I want to make is that Vivian was always a genius. But nobody knew it.
If you are the best at what you do, it is great. But if nobody knows this, then it is pretty much useless. You need to know how to market yourself so that when people hear your name they immediately think of quality work.
Dan Kennedy has a quote:
“To be successful; be a better marketer of what you do,
than a doer of what you do.”
I want you to think about Vivian Maier’s story and think about your business. Are you letting prospective clients know why and how you are the best in your field? Are you reminding your current customers the same thing? -Because if you aren’t, I guarantee there are competitors in their ear telling your clients that they are better than you are…
If you want help in positioning yourself fill in the box on the right to get copy of my free report. Or if you are in the beauty industry you can click here to get access to the Webinar presentation.
Visit the blog to find out more about Vivian Maier and her story.