Inspired by Lorde

    Yesterday Lorde was nominated for four Grammy awards and won two of them.
So why would a forty-some year old bloke with no interest in the Music Industry, and little interest in Music in general feel inspired by this Kiwi teenager?
 -Okay, I should have reworked that opening, it did sound a little creepy…

But the truth is that contrary to all expectations I truly am inspired. For a start I did not watch the Grammy Awards, I checked out the relevant clips on YouTube the following morning, just looking at Lorde’s clips because of the Kiwi connection.

And not to sound patronising; but it’s great that Lorde is doing so well, her album is doing well and she won a couple of Grammy awards… but that doesn’t really inspire me. Certainly not enough for me to write a blog post about it. There are plenty of journalists, music enthusiasts and sycophants to do that without needing me.

To me this is the philosophy of a craftsman who works diligently, consistently on their craft.

What I didn’t expect in watching the clips of her interviews and speeches were the clues to an impressive philosophy. And it is this philosophy that I find so inspiring.

In one you tube clip Lorde talked about growing up in New Zealand and how she liked the fact that she could develop her talents and abilities fully before being put under pressure to deliver.

This clue was reinforced in another interview where she was asked if she thought she might be awarded a Grammy when she was working on the album. It was a typical, bland, sound-bite  sort of question that the media people will throw out in these situations. But Lorde’s reply was that she didn’t think about the Grammy Awards when she was making the album, because she was thinking about the work.

I thought that the two comments were illuminating. To me this is the philosophy of a craftsman who works diligently, consistently on their craft. Not overly concerned with what others are doing, not splitting focus between a number of projects, ventures or activities. But instead taking focused, disciplined, and consistent action on the path she has chosen.

And this puts a whole new light on Lorde’s accomplishments and what it might mean for you and for me.

It makes you think, and question your own philosophy. Are you crafting your life, and your life’s work? Or are you just drifting on the currents of happenstance? Are your actions random or deliberate?

Brain Tracy often said “If you don’t have a life plan, then you are doomed forever to work for someone else who does.”

-I always took that to mean that you need to know your destination, and work towards it. But Lorde’s experience shows us that isn’t necessary. You need only choose a path, and continue to choose that path in sunshine or rain. Whether you feel good or feel down. Whether you enjoy success or bear failure. Day in and day out. Just focus on the work.

If you have the commitment to choose your path every day, and invest all the talent and ability you can muster, who knows to what heights it could take you?



Of course this is just what I took from these interviews. Maybe you saw something different, or feel there are some other lessons to be learned here… If so please share in the comments below.


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About Chris Hanlon

Chris has worked in or owned small businesses most of his life, before lured into the corporate world where he spent over a decade. However his passion for small business has remained, and taken life in The Profit Wizard blog, his published book, and some coaching he does for a variety of businesses. You can follow Chris on Twitter @TheProfitWizard

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