This “Blog” is meant as a list and review of business resources.

As a consultant to businesses, I am often asked what I read – and I am an avid reader. I was recently asked for a list of Recommended Reading and I figured that if one person would value this perhaps others will also be interested.

I intend to do a review of the books that have been most influential to me and also those that I am currently reading. Also I don’t want to limit my reviews to just books. I spend significant amounts on my education each year, in terms of books, courses, audio programs, DVD’s and Seminars.

I will tell you what I think, who I think it is for and who it is not for.

Many of the links here will be ‘affiliate links’ (notably I am not expecting to make an income out of the links from this site, but these affiliate links will help support further research and reading. -Amazon will give me Amazon credits, which will help fuel my Amazon addiction :o)

More about Chris Hanlon:

Chris Hanlon, AKA The Profit Wizard, is based in Hamilton New Zealand.

Chris has been involved in many businesses over the past sixteen years. He has worked in sales for his own enterprises as well as for other companies both large and small. His sales experience encompasses: Retail; Hospitality; Presentations to individuals or groups; Door-to-door sales; telemarketing; and copywriting for web-based businesses.

Currently Chris is running his Consulting, Coaching and Speaking Business: The Profit Wizard. (At present there are no openings for Consulting or Coaching, and limited dates available for speaking engagements). Chris is currently completing his book: The Profit Proposition; and various information products are also in production.