Connecting with LinkedIn Groups



Linkedin-connections2LinkedIn is a great resource for business owners and employees alike. And the lifeblood of LinkedIn are the groups. With our friends from Integrated Alliances The Profit Wizard has a LinkedIn Groups resource for you.


I really can’t say enough about how groups bring LinkedIn to life for me. There are a myriad of ways that groups can be used.

Personally I use groups to:

  • Stay current on training and e-learning topics, because I no longer live & breathe that stuff day-to-day but I don’t want to be left behind.
  • Do market research on the niches I market to or write for so that I can be aware of the problems & issues that they talk about and the language they use in communicating.
  • Extend my influence in a niche or topic group by making thoughtful comments and curating posts or items of interest to the group.
  • Keep an eye on the job market in the areas I am skilled. -I am not actively seeking work, but I know that if something changed and I had to, I have my finger somewhat on the pulse and I can use these groups to find a contract or even permanent employment.
  • Identify good prospects to approach regarding my goods & services.

Notice I didn’t say: Sell my stuff
       -You don’t want to be “that guy”


The reality is that doing the things I do ultimately helps me to sell my stuff. Particularly the last bullet. But that will be a softer approach made one to one, usually offering something free that I have identified as being of use to that person.

But to really give you some specific pointers on what you should and shouldn’t do Lori & Mike form Integrated Alliances have generously shared some information on a pdf for you to download:

The LinkedIn Group Power User Guide


Let me know what you think of the Power User Guide, and leave a comment about your experience with groups. What do you like, dislike, been burned with or had great success with…


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About Chris Hanlon

Chris has worked in or owned small businesses most of his life, before lured into the corporate world where he spent over a decade. However his passion for small business has remained, and taken life in The Profit Wizard blog, his published book, and some coaching he does for a variety of businesses. You can follow Chris on Twitter @TheProfitWizard

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