TEDx Auckland next month

Yes, yes, I know.
-I haven’t posted anything on here for quite a while and now I am fobbing you off with some sort of public notice announcement…

Well I have been very busy, and the upshot of that is that I hope to soon have a lot more time for sharing some very useful (and hopefully) entertaining information.

Which is the point of this brief post: Useful and entertaining information – Which will be abundant at the upcoming TEDx Auckland.

Registrations are not yet open, and I would urge you to keep your eye on the site to ensure that you do register as early as possible. Numbers are limited and the event is hugely popular.

Check it out at:   http://www.tedxauckland.co.nz/index.php

Also if you haven’t seen it check out my post about last year’s event.

I am selfishly hoping that I get an automatic invite from my attendance last year. ;o)
Last year I was able to bring a partner but things fell through so I ended up going alone. I hope I am able to bring someone along this year…

And I hope to see you there!!

Update 18/08/10:

The tickets are now available from Ticketek.
There is no registration process this year, and only 600 seats available, so first in first served.

-I already have my ticket!!

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About Chris Hanlon

Chris has worked in or owned small businesses most of his life, before lured into the corporate world where he spent over a decade. However his passion for small business has remained, and taken life in The Profit Wizard blog, his published book, and some coaching he does for a variety of businesses. You can follow Chris on Twitter @TheProfitWizard

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